Genetics ON™

Welcome to “Genetics ON™”, a discord and idea exchange community that breaks the status quo.

Genetics ON™ is a private member-based community resource platform. We are like-minded people that
help and support each other with fundamental information pertaining to personal health, unregulated freedom, positive lifestyle, and lawful processes that protect the individual rights of living men and women. We believe in uncontaminated clean food and unbiased education. Our member-based community concentrates on delivering the resources needed to thrive and operate in private jurisdictions free from medical censorship and government overreach.

Genetics ON™

Genetics ON™  is a First Amendment speech protector and private member-based community. We are NOT parroting the mainstream narrative, and we are NOT supporting censorship! According to the constitution, congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.

It’s become painfully apparent that professionals in most of the science disciplines are being suppressed
and encouraged to keep their professional opinions to themselves for fear of retribution by the
establishment. That is just sad. If being intimidated can stop our speech, we have no chance of survival

Genetics ON™ says no more! We are encouraging the brightest minds to get involved and share your
opinions without risking your professional licenses and/or insurances. Our private member community blog is a
publicly viewed yet privately published membership organization that allows for author anonymity. It’s
time to get the truth out to the people, and through our published blog your opinion can finally be heard
without fear of retribution.
Our blog topics revolve around Health and Wellness, with a focus on homeopathic solutions and positive
lifestyle choices. Our species has lived on the Earth far longer than Big Pharma has existed, and it’s time
to re-expose mother earth’s remedies. With the proper knowledge and therapy options, we can once
again return to a healthy society

Our community members are encouraged to present their opinion on subjects and issues that need
discord. We do have a community guideline that outlines basic things that are not allowed, these
restrictions fall into common sense, such as hate speech or defamation, otherwise limitations belong to
the author. We need to stop being silent.

By joining Genetics ON™ you will have access to up-to-date health and lifestyle resources, regular live webinar training classes with health experts and the chance to connect with like-minded community members.

"When you subscribe to the Genetics ON™ platform you will also receive special access to Seed To Salad™ , Brain Buddy™ and B&B Network™ as a member.


Seed To Salad™

Seed To Salad™ is an organic vertical farming solution for LIVE home delivered living micro-greens and other super greens & plants. We believe in having access to clean food that’s uncontaminated by BIG agricultures pesticide and herbicide footprint. This is fundamental and critical to understanding our health. For this reason, Seed To Salad™ grows all our micro-greens indoors without chemicals or exposure to harsh farming pollutants. We are NOT Big Ag and we DO NOT support Their Cruel Monopoly!

Pain solutions without negative long-term effects

Brain Buddy™

Brain Buddy™ is a phytochemical research organization that creates organic plant-based pain solutions
for chronic pain sufferers. Understanding the bio-electrical body is the key to pain relief. The natural
environment is the only truly compatible pharmacy for our bodies. Nature provides the cures; we just
explain the process and create the applications.

Supporting Local the:


At the core of the B&B Network philosophy is a deep commitment to local small businesses and connecting people and products together and helping one another. We are Local Mainers Helping Mainers.

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